“Buddhist Boot Camp” is a book that I have been reading since last Wednesday and finished today. Timber Hawkeye wrote it, and I enjoyed reading and learning from it.
It has been written in simple English with beautiful words and meaningful thoughts and emotions—sort of a diary of the author.
The writer seems so equanimous, and one of the things I liked and appraised the author for being so accepting of all religions equally, even though he was a former Buddhist monk. The Buddha also said “Ehi Passiko,” which means “come and see—learn and practice. If you like and feel this teaching is for you, then stay. If you feel this is not for you, then you can go out and find what suits you.”
The book is full of quotes from the great scholars and people who ever existed and worked for the betterment of the people and the world.
The ideas in the book mostly focus on living equanimous lifestyle, simply, and happily. But I am not trying to say that all the ideas in the book work with all of us. There are some things that you might feel don’t match with your expectations; for instance, financial planning and living a minimalist lifestyle.
Overall, the book is good; the writing is simple and readable.
I highly recommend you all to read.
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