Last few days ago, one of my American friends recommended me a book called Ashtavakra Gita, and I read it. I actually loved. It mostly talked about the self-realization, detachment from the illusory nature of the world, and the ultimate unity of the self with the universe.
Here are 10 profound quotes from the Ashtavakra Gita, a classical Advaita Vedanta scripture that offers spiritual guidance.
"You are unbounded awareness - bliss, supreme bliss - in which the universe appears like the mirage of a snake in a rope."
"He who considers himself free is free indeed, and he who considers himself bound remains bound. 'As one thinks, so one becomes' is a popular saying in this world, and it is very true."
"You are pure consciousness - the substance of the universe. The universe is transient; consciousness is the very essence of it."
"The wise man is not deluded by the appearance of the world. To him, who sees the universe as the Self, there is no bondage, no liberation."
"The world is an illusion. It appears to be real only as long as one is ignorant. When wisdom dawns, the world will vanish from sight."
"One who is established in the Self, who sees the universe as his own Self, never experiences sorrow or suffering."
"The self-realized person is never affected by pleasure or pain, just as the sky is not stained by smoke."
"The wise man does not see the world as different from his own self. He sees the self in all beings and all beings in the self."
"The mind creates the world and is also destroyed by it. When the mind is stilled, the world disappears."
"The one who is free from desires and attachments, who has realized the Self, is content in the Self alone. Such a person is truly liberated."